As Miss California Teen Achieve, I am often invited to events to help raise money for charities, and organizations. And Last night was no different. I was asked to be a VIP waitress and to go around and sell raffle tickets and tickets to Viejas Casino Holiday party, and 100% of the proceedings would go to the
Salvation Army’s Toys for Tots Drive. However when I was told that my job would be doing this, I got extremely nervous. I was kind of scared to walk up to people while they were enjoying their food and try to sell them some tickets. I had to close my eyes and talk myself into doing it. I simply reminded myself that a queen cannot be nervous or afraid to talk to people, because people are not the enemy. So I went right up to my first table and started talking, and then another and another! Before long, I realized that it was not that scary to talk to people and ask them to help support the Salvation Army. People want to help a good cause I realized and when a smiling pageant queen comes up, they are willing to give. I was also joined by Miss San Diego, Miss Rancho San Diego and Miss Rancho San Diego Teen. They were all very nice and talked to me about other pageants, and how they felt like I should do other pageants. I haven’t really given much thought to that but now that the thought is fresh in my mind, I just might. There were also many other celebrities there, that were doing the same thing as me. There were a few
CNN broadcasters, the
Charger Girls and also an
ex Raiders quarterback,
AM 600 radio station, and
Stoney, (the man who started the Toys for Tots Drive himself)! All in all, I know we helped raise a lot of money for the Salvation Army, and I am so thankful that I could be a part of it.
With Sam The Pirate, Miss City Of San Diego, Miss Rancho San Diego and Miss Teen Rancho San Diego |
Crowning a future Miss California :) |
Two of the famous Charger Girls !! |
Selling raffle tickets for the first time! |
With Ron Cook, the photographer for the East County News, and a great friend! |
Stoney: The man who started the Toys for Tots program |
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