About Me

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Hello everyone! My name is Mercedes Harvey and I am your current Miss California Teen Achieve 2010. This is a blog I will update weekly of all the great events and fantastic/life changing opportunities that serving as your queen has allowed me to have. I will be uploading pictures and videos and then telling you a summary of what they are about. What I hope to accomplish by this blog is to help young women become interested in participating in the Miss California Teen Achieve Pageant. It is truly a one of a kind scholarship pageant based on scholastic achievement and community service, not just beauty. It will increase your self confidence, help you possibly win scholarship money and meet amazing friends for life, and teach you valuable assets about yourself. Don’t miss out! :)

Sunday, January 2, 2011

Oceanside Independence Day Parade

On July 3rd, 2010, I was able to ride in the Oceanside Independence Day as Miss California Teen Achieve 2010. I arrived at South Coast Highway at 8 in the morning for check-in with my family. Walking around on a foggy morning in a high heels and and elegant evening gown down a street wasn't the most comfy thing but I was so excited on the events of the day that I didn't even notice. However, once we arrived, my mom realized a horrible fact! In our rush to leave the house that morning, we had forgotten a extremely important thing: My car signs!
As my mother dashed off back home to get the signs, I wrapped myself in a blanket and sat on the sidewalk waiting for my car to arrive. In the spot next to mine was a kind Filipino family. They had a Porsche and they were there waiting for their queens to come as well. The group behind me turned out to be a few troops for Girl Scouts who seemed so fascinated by my crown and banner; I couldnt resist asking them if they'd like to wear my crown.

Eagerly, their hands shot up and luckily my mom came back just in time to take a few pictures of me crowning the girls. It was so encouraging to see their eyes light up when i placed the crown on their head. After the Girl Scounts I went over and took pictures with the border patrol, my driver, and a few other parade participants.
By the time the parade started, I had a permanent smile on my face and I could't wait. This was my very first parade and I was somewhat nervous, but that was quickly replaced by excitment as  my car ( a beautiful Corvette) found itself in the road and in the parade. I wasn't prepared for the rush as I heard people whistling and cheering for me as the announcer read off my short bio. Waving and smiling at the people, I felt so proud to represent the Miss California Teen Achieve pageant and my state. It was such a rewarding experience, and I cannot wait for next event as queen so I can make this year the most memorable of all.

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